

传统上, 学校遵循两个惯例:1)学生秋季开学, 2)他们在实体教室学习. 

今天,学校教育以各种形式出现. 除了面对面的课程, 你的K-12学生可以选择 在线学习, 远程学习, 混合学习, 或 在家教育. 你可能会发现, 给你的家人, 转 到网上学校 或其他选择是最好的选择. Many of the alternatives still start in the fall or late summer, but they don’t have to. 

如果你在考虑转到网络学校, you may also want to know how to switch to online school once you’ve made the choice. 让我们帮你找到一些答案. 


选择高质量的 在线学校.

Find out whether there’s a 推荐正规买球平台 school near you and make sure your child is eligible to enroll. 推荐正规买球平台 offers free online homeschool with accredited K–12 programs. 


You can transfer at any time but changing schools at a semester break is ideal. Students have typically completed long-term projects and other in-depth lessons, and teachers are ready to dig into new study topics at the beginning of a new semester. 但如果有理由立即转换, your new online school’s guidance counselors and enrollment officials will be able to help you navigate the school transfer smoothly. 伸出手来解释你的需求.  


Check with enrollment officials at the new school to find out what you need to do to enroll. 典型的 你需要的文件 包括: 

  • 学校申请表格  
  • 成绩单  
  • 出生证明  
  • 免疫接种记录  
  • 其他州特有的文件. 


一旦你为你的新在线学校提交了必要的文件, you should only have to wait a few weeks for your books and materials to arrive, 在你准备好之前. 与此同时, make sure you’re available at the email address and phone number you’ve given the school, 以防他们对你的申请有疑问. 沟通将是你整个经历的关键. 



Families looking to make the switch to online school for their students often ask, “你可以在任何时候注册K-12吗?对于连接学院的学生来说,答案是肯定的!  

可能会有 各种原因 why your family may want to switch to online school in the middle of the school year. 例如, 你可能搬家了, 你可能会在 上寻找一种更个性化的学习方法, or your child may have academic or health needs that make a traditional school day difficult. 

如果 你目前的学校选择不起作用, why should you wait to provide your child the education experience they deserve? Here are five reasons to move ahead with a midyear transfer to an online school:  

1. You’ve made an educated choice about which school is right 给你的家人

了解可供您选择的不同选项是第一步. 我们 可以 提供详细的信息并回答您的问题, 所以你可以 决定哪种学习方式最适合你的孩子. 

通过虚拟或在线 教育, 学生在家学习 与一个值得信赖的成年人, ensuring they follow a state-approved public school curriculum that involves independent, 以计算机为基础的研究, 由 认证教师支持. The term “远程学习” is more general and refers to any situation with a remote teacher and online learning materials, 无论是  单一  在线课程, 全职 在线 学校, 或 紧急 远程学习. In 混合式或混合式学习, some students attend class in person, while others join the class virtually from home.  

For more information about these learning options, browse this list of resources:  

2. 当你转到在线学校时,你会得到支持.

If you decide your child should attend a 推荐正规买球平台 online school, 我们致力于帮助你 为成功做好准备s. We offer a strong support system to ease your student’s transfer to online school. 之后你登记, start taking advantage of that support system by contacting your student’s teacher and joining 我们的在线社区. 其他 家长,尤其是我们的老师总是很高兴 回答你的问题! We can provide new families with plenty of tips and advice for successfully transferring schools to begin online learning.  

3. 你会成为孩子教育的伙伴.

一旦你成为我们在线学校社区的一员, you won’t have to wait for parent-teacher conferences or report cards to find out how your child is doing in school. Parents, or other trusted adults, are active participants in a 推荐正规买球平台 education. 作为孩子的学习教练, you’ll monitor their daily learning and make sure they complete and understand their lessons. This doesn’t mean you’ll be teaching; our certified educators handle that role. 但是学习教练会帮助你安排每天的学习, 提供 支持和鼓励, 并确保学生保持正轨. Communicating with your child’s teacher is also an important part of the role. 


4. 转学可以帮助有困难的学生.

随着孩子的成长和独立, they often have individual needs or desires that aren’t met by the structure of traditional public schools. Sometimes the brick-and-mortar learning environment is not as positive or safe as it should be. An online school allows the flexibility to meet the needs of a widely diverse student body, 学生是否在寻找更多的学术选择, 减少社交干扰, 更健康的学习环境, 身体或精神健康服务所需的灵活性, 或者满足其他需求. 在线教育也可以 为资优学生量身定制 实现和发展他们的潜力. 

5. 你会看到好处的.

Many of our virtual school parents successfully switched schools at midyear because that’s when their need arose. Whenever your family transfers schools, there will be challenges during the transition. 然而, many 推荐正规买球平台 parents believe it’s an adjustment that pays off for their students.  

一位家长说:“这是一个学习曲线, 但这是值得的。. “虽然这确实花了一些时间, 一开始(有) 有几个等级比平时低, 我们仍然觉得这是一次值得的旅行. Knowing how hard it is to focus on school when you are so anxious or feel unsafe at a brick-and-mortar school, I feel that my daughter is finally able to blossom in the way she was meant to and [that] she can reach her full potential.”  



如果你的家人正在考虑让学生转到网上学校, following these suggestions and this parent-tested advice can help you conquer the learning curve so you can feel at home in no time. If you missed the start of semester enrollment, you may still have time to transfer schools. 入学时间因学校和年级而异, 因此,请查看附近学校的空房情况. 首先 寻找在线学校 服务于你的领域. 

通过一些努力和奉献, 你的家人可以顺利地在年中转学到网上学校. To learn more about how your child can transfer schools and enjoy the benefits of personalized online learning, 继续浏览 网站 推荐正规买球平台 网上公立学校. 

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探索参加连接学院的好处, a tuition-free, accredited 网上公立学校 that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


